
Nirvana is a work of fiction that brings to life an extraordinary dialogue between a 10-year-old boy, Ishaan, and God. Ishaan is no ordinary child—he is a prodigy who has devoured hundreds of books from a young age. Driven by a passion for biology, healing techniques, and the mysteries of life, Ishaan feels a deep compassion for all living beings and is profoundly disturbed by cruelty toward animals, as well as the destruction and loss of life caused by wars and natural calamities. However, Ishaan’s extraordinary mind is burdened by a physical illness that has plagued him since birth—he suffers from a series of genetic illnesses that have left his body frail and weak. Despite his vast intellect, Ishaan endures constant pain, and each day he prays fervently for a cure, longing for the day when he might find relief from his suffering.

One night, Ishaan’s boundless curiosity, fueled by his longing for relief from the constant pain of his illness, leads him into a dream where he meets God. Born with a rare and debilitating condition, Ishaan has spent his life searching for a cure, praying each day for healing. What follows in this dream is an extraordinary exchange in which Ishaan asks profound questions, delving not only into the mysteries of existence but also into the possibilities of healing—both for himself and for others. Guided by his scientific curiosity and tender heart, he explores ways humanity can better nurture itself and the world, all while desperately hoping for a miracle that will heal both his fragile body and his spirit.
